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Backyard Theatre with Willa Ford

As theaters continue to be shut down around the country it dawned on me how much we miss that special movie theater experience. Whether it was date night with my hubby or a family night out, we missed it. Sure, you can watch a movie in your living room but I wanted to create something to look forward to each week. Friday Night needed a special event and I knew this would be a crowd pleaser. This quarantine seemed like the perfect time to try something I’ve always wanted to do. An outdoor theater! Best part, it’s on a budget. - XOXO Willa

Step 1: Set the Screen

I did a ton of research on projectors and asked friends for recommendations. After looking at the different price points I settled on a steal of a deal for a projector and 100’ screen that only cost $150. Was I slightly worried it would work well at that price? Yes. Was I worried it would be hard to set up? Yes. But I’m here to tell you it was so easy! The screen came with sticky clips and the projector I just plugged in and hooked my fire stick into. That was it.

Step 2: Set the Mood

These cafe lights quickly set the mood for a romantic night, a fun dinner party,or a magical movie under the stars. These Target cafe lights are $12 per string and easy to hang with a staple gun or you can wrap them. Definitely worth the money and time to set them up.

Step 3: Set the Scene

I love this one because you can use things you already have around the house. In other words it can be totally FREE! If you are looking for an inexpensive way to cover the ground the Mexican blankets I’ve had for 10 years are super versatile. I've used them at the beach, park for soccer, moving furniture, and now outdoor theater. Get creative and have fun. If you have kids let them set it up for you one night. If you have older visitors don’t forget they’ll need normal chairs.

Step 4: Set the Snacks This one may be the most important step to recreate that movie theater experience! We love popcorn in our house and a friend recommended The Safe And Fair Food Company's new popcorn flavors. It is the greatest snack ever! You'll have to try the Chocolate Drizzle. It reminded me of when I’d put chocolate candy into my popcorn at the movies! It’s so addictive so consider yourself warned! You’ll thank me for this one!

Overall this movie theater night took me maybe an hour the first time to set up which included hanging my cafe lights and setting up my new screen and projector. Now it only takes me 15 min to be cuddled up, popcorn in hand, watching our Friday night movie! These nights are priceless. Will we return to movie theaters one day? Yes, of course! But this Friday night tradition is here to stay!

Get the Look:

1. Mexican blankets - perfect for all events and they last forever!

2. Projector and screen - budget friendly and high quality.

3. Cafe lights - keep them up year round!

4. Popcorn - The Safe and Fair Food Company is giving our WFord Interior follower's a discount code for your next purchase. Try the new popcorn drizzle! Willa's favorite -- Blueberry Cobbler Drizzle. Use discount code: willa10




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